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Jam- packed action

This post first appeared on Israel Campus Roundtable.

My first two weeks in Israel were absolutely jam-packed.  Acclimating to the program was swift and easy. I was lucky enough to find roommates I became fast friends with, and soon after, I began my internship at the Jerusalem Post, which has definitely not been disappointing.

Just in the first two weeks, I got to stand next to a reporter as he interviewed the US Ambassador to Israel, meet Mariah Carey at a press conference in Tel Aviv, and even write my own article and see it get published. I am encouraged by the acute interest the editors at JPost have taken in my fellow interns and myself: they really want us to get involved and pursue the journalistic paths in which we are personally interested.

I also got to travel! I had my Breakout Seminar, which was a weekend retreat to the mystical Northern city of Tzfat. This was a nice change of pace from the somewhat hectic work week. We got a taste of how Kabbalists celebrate Shabbat, in what I believe to be one of the most beautiful places in the country. I’ll admit I took a few too many pictures of the sunset. If the rest of the trip brings this many special moments, I will feel even luckier than I do right now.

Isabel Feinstein, UMass-Amherst ’19, traveled to Israel with her school’s Birthright Israel trip, and is interning this summer with The Jerusalem Post as a Boston Onward Israel 2017 participant.